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A day in the life of Bourbon

Greetings from South Carolina! It’s Bourbon and I wanted to check in with my BFW Rescue family. I have been in my furever home with mommy and daddy for 3 months. I have to say, its even better than Disneyland and truly is the best place on earth. Let me tell you, I go for daily walks that go as long as 3 miles! Thats alot of walking and good exercise for me. Mommy doesn’t let me chase after the deer, foxes, or squirrels, but if I could I would! Mommy also has started to get me into agility just for fun. I have ninja like skills with the obstacle course. I have my own lake-okay okay-I don’t own it exactly, but I just exit my backdoor and there it is! On days when it is too hot to walk, I get around in a golf cart. Yeah, you read that right! I have two doggie beds, and a chair that is all mine. I really dig these humans and attempt to herd them so we can all stay close together. I love my snuggle time and car rides. I just want to let the dogs currently in rescue and those who may come into it know, I was in foster care for 10 whole months until I found my furever home. Hang in there guys. As my experience has shown, its well worth the wait. I have some sniffing to do, take care BFW Rescue family!


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