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Please consider fostering a Bernese Mountain Dog

BFW Rescue is always in need of great foster homes. Foster homes are the backbone to our rescue efforts and they are the reason we can help Bernese Mountain Dogs in need. Foster homes are the difference between sometimes life and death for a dog in need. Have you always loved Berners, have you always wanted to own one but just are not sure you can commit to a large breed dog. Fostering is a great way to enjoy a dog without the long term commitment. You might foster a pup or you might foster a senior and any age in between. Foster homes provide a temporary home until a forever home can be found for the Berner. The goal while in the foster home is for the Berner to become well adjusted, to learn manners if needed, to be socialized and loved. Foster homes also provide a loving environment for a Berner to recover from an illness or have needed medical procedures completed.

* Each foster has a BFWR Team Member to work with while fostering

* We will share with the foster all the information we know about the Berner that is available. Often times little to no information is known, so we will not know what to expect.

* We pay for all approved vet care.

* We value your input and we want to know what you think about the Berner and want your opinions on what type of forever home the Berner would do best in.

* If medical treatment is required, fosters agree to take the Berner to a licensed vet upon receiving approval from BFWR. The fosters agrees to administer all medications if necessary as prescribed.

* Provide daily exercise both physical and mental.

* Provide pictures and stories about your foster, this is used to help increase adoption potential in a timely manner.

* Check in with BFWR at least once a week, more if needed.

* Prepare the Berner in every way possible for a forever home.

BFWR will pay for all medical care if prior approval is given and we are here to support our foster families in every way possible.

Currently the average time a family will foster a Berner is 3-6 months depending on the dog and its needs.

Foster families are so much more part of the rescue effort than we are, that is why we cannot help Berners in need without great foster families. You are taking these dogs and helping them become awesome family companions. The work you do is the most important part of rescue, we cherish our foster families! We give every foster family the first choice to adopt the Berner they are fostering. If you think you are ready to foster please email us at for a foster application.


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